
「卡格」星貓 、星狗選拔賽

「卡格」星猫 、星狗选拔赛

Kakato Photo Competition

「卡格」星貓 、星狗選拔賽,公開招募最具「明星相」的寶貝貓狗,勝出的星貓星狗可贏取總值超過兩萬元的豐富獎品,更有機會成為「卡格」高級寵物食品之廣告明星!想做星媽星爸?快把握機會上載您認為寶貝最具明星風範的靚相參加選拔賽啦!詳情請瀏覽以下網頁www.kakatostar.com


'Kakato' Photo Competition - recruits star cats and dogs. Over $20,000 winning prize and opportunity to be advertising star of Kakato premium pet food are waiting for you! Do you want to be a star mom or dad? Be quick to grasp the opportunity to upload your pretty pets' photos with the most star style to participate in the competition!

Please visit the following website for more details.
