


Shanghai Pet Fair Asia 2018

第二十一屆亞洲寵物展2018已於8月26日在上海新國際博覽中心圓滿閉幕。今年的亞寵展共吸引超過10萬名觀眾進場參觀,卡格®高級寵物食品以新西蘭原住民族 - 毛利族的特色元素參展,獨特的展位設計和雕塑擺設,均獲得觀眾和展商的一致好評,給他們留下了深刻的印象。卡格展位同時提供了產品試食、多款產品優惠和有獎互動遊戲,讓到場的觀眾不僅飽了眼福,也令他們的愛寵飽了口福。卡格期待在2019年,再次在上海亞寵展與大家相會。

第二十一届亚洲宠物展2018已于8月26日在上海新国际博览中心圆满闭幕。今年的亚宠展共吸引超过10万名观众进场参观,卡格®高级宠物食品以新西兰原住民族- 毛利族的特色元素参展,独特的展位设计和雕塑摆设,均获得观众和展商的一致好评,给他们留下了深刻的印象。卡格展位同时提供了产品试食、多款产品优惠和有奖互动游戏,让到场的观众不仅饱了眼福,也令他们的爱宠饱了口福。卡格期待在2019年,再次在上海亚宠展与大家相会。

The 21st Pet Fair Asia (PFA) was successfully concluded at the Shanghai New International Expo Center on August 26th. The PFA attracted more than 100,000 visitors and Kakato® Premium Pet Food was exhibited by using New Zealand’s Maori ethnic elements. The unique Maori booth designs and statues have left a deep impression on the audience and exhibitors. Kakato’s booth not only provided taste testing for a variety of products but also offered different promotion combinations and prize-winning interactive games, so that the audience could learn more about Kakato and at the same time gratify their favorite pets appetite. Kakato looks forward to seeing you again at the next Pet Fair Asia in 2019.