


“The Excellence Brand Award 2020”


Kakato卡格®️高级宠物食品连续四年荣获电讯盈科黄页颁发的「星级优秀品牌大奖」殊荣,以表扬品牌的努力和卓越表现。 Kakato除会秉持严谨选材和健康饮食的理念,以优质食材制造食品,并会继续透过更多不同方式为宠物社群做出贡献,关注动物权益。

Kakato Premium Pet Food has been awarded “The Excellence Brand Award 2020” issued by PCCW Yellow Pages for four consecutive years, in recognition of the company's effort and outstanding performance on brand management. Besides of continue the philosophy of feeding pets with healthy diets and using high-quality and healthy ingredients in our products, Kakato will also contribute to the pet community in different ways, so as to raise public awareness of animal welfare.